
About Safest Catch

SafestCatch.net is a web-based community committed to safety at sea and sustainable fisheries; Safety first followed closely by quality seafood production.  

In a play on the imfamous Deadliest Catch, it is important to look beyond 'made for TV' and look at the real fishermen who are the true stewards of our Nation's resources.  

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This site is envisioned as a go to source from one lifelong mariner's perspective to follow the maritime industry of the Pacific Northwest/Alaska and provide timely information on Safety Practices, Real World fishing in the North Pacific & Bering Sea, Training/Educational Links, Sustainable Stewardship of our Nation's resources, and more ~ check back regularly as the industry is 'all consuming' and there undoubtedly will always be something new to report on. 

SEE what SafestCatch.net is all about



Bristol Bay Oil 12/20/2014

SafestCatch.Net ~ Safest Catch dot Net

While I'd like to take some credit for President Obama's action earlier this week to protect Bristol Bay from Oil and Gas exploration (perhaps he was watching our Facebook/SafestCatch postings?), I am just THANKFUL that he had the vision to protect the 'richest fish stocks in the world.'  Read the White House Press Release.

Politics can be tricky and I know there will be those out there who criticize the timing of the announcement (after Congress was on Christmas recess), but I am just taking it for what it is - protection for the waters that support my industry.  

Read more:

Now, let's get this job done and STOP the Pebble Mine

Deadliest Catch meets Safest Catch ~ real fishermen pursuing safety and sustainability.

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