
SafestCatch.Net ~ Safest Catch dot Net

Obviously, Safety is what this site is all about and to start with, my first Log Entry will be a list of Seattle area safety/mariner training facilities.  If you are a safety training facility that would like to be included on this page, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

First, the Safety Program that started them all in our mind - North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owner's Association - Vessel Safety Program

The NPFVOA was a long established (1960's) Owner's association that dropped their political aspirations under President, at the time, Konrad S. Uri who had the foresight to see that the industry would be best served as the local fleet grew and aged with an ever increasing inexperienced crew, by focussing on safety training.  Located in Fishermen's Terminal (Ballard district of Seattle), they have an impressive list of courses.  Click for more information  

And the mariner training center that started it all in Seattle would be Crawford Nautical ~ established in 1923, currently in it's 5th generation, the School has had a hand in most every Seattle fishermen's career.  

Click for more information - most everyone on the Seattle waterfront knows or at least has talked to Patsy, who has helped mariners plot out career paths in the maritime industry.



The rest will be listed alphabetically, starting with Compass Courses in Edmonds, Washington.  Notably the suburban neighborhood that most of the Alaskan Fishing community resides in Washington State.  

 Located in beautiful downtown Edmonds / Harbor Square area, they have quite an array of courses      available - Click for more information



Next up is Fremont Maritime, located in Ballard's colorful neighborhood to the East, home of the imfamous Lenin Statue, installed after the fall of the Wall, and of course, the Troll that lives under the Aurora Bridge.

As you can see, they are close in age to NPFVOA's Vessel Safety Program (which at the time was an issue of competition among the executive directors), but nonetheless both have survived (competition is good).  

Fremont Maritime Services, referred to as India Tango on the waterfront, provides many fine training opportunities/courses for the professional mariner or those pursuing a career in the martime industry.

Some classes located in Ballard's Fishermen's Terminal see website for more information.


The local OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) expert is Amy Duz at I Work Wise; a former safety officer at Icicle Seafoods in Seattle, Amy has carved out her niche and we are all the better for her vision and experience in combining the worlds of at sea fishing/processing operations and shoreside OSHA regulations.  

 See her website for more information and trust that you will be well served by Safety training at  iWorkWise.  




Safest Catch dot net, where real fishermen weigh in on 'made for TV' Deadliest Catch, addressing safety at sea and sustainable fisheries.


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